Positive Thought Project

Karma– the sum of a person’s actions in this existence, viewed as deciding their fate in the future.

“Life is a  boomerang. What you give you get.” ~ Dale Carnegie

We are all in control of the energy we give to the world each day. It begins with the thoughts we decide to pay attention to in our minds these become the words that we speak and the actions we perform. These things determine what we give to and  get back from life.  Like a boomerang the energy, you decide to send out will come back to you, always, inevitably and usually with interest. That’s Karma.  You control the energy in your life by the thoughts you entertain, which lead to emotions, which lead to words and lead to actions.  These things determine your karma, are you conscious of them in your life today?

Give and You will Receive

One of the true paradoxes of life is that when you give, you receive in return. This can be a problem when you look at what you have and think that there are so many things that you need for yourself. You just don’t see a way that you can give, but it is there. Giving is the path to receiving and

When you give, you are open to receiving

giving with an open heart and giving spirit is key. Try to develop the attitude of giving without worrying about what the return is. The return will be great.

It is positive energy to give and goes against the worry of lack that plagues most people. Fear that we will not have our needs met, and will have to go without. But what exactly are we going to go without? An extra coffee each day?  It doesn’t even take a lot to get this energy working for you, give a little with no expectation of return and see what you get. Be conscious of your experience and what results from your choices, it will surprise you. Karma always will. Good or bad.   The Rest of the Story