Positive Thought Project 

Awesome-extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.

awesomeIt never ceases to amaze me when I look at the people that I come into contact with every day in this small part of the world, just how awesome so many of them are. There are people who are kind, caring, supportive, successful, motivated to create and they do amazing things. In a word they are awesome! The strange thing is that they don’t see it in themselves.  I wonder if you can see that same level of awesome in the people around you?  Most importantly do you see the awesome person you are capable of being? We are all going to go through times when we question our choices, the relationships we are in, or the relationships we are not in our current financial situation, or any other part of life that involves a decision.  The challenge today is to look at yourself and be conscious of the potential for awesome that exists in you and it all begins with your thoughts, words, and actions.  (Video)   Read about being awesome